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Precision irrigation in potato field


Precision Irrigation is a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture.

It employs advanced technologies to deliver water and nutrients directly to the plant's roots, reducing wastage and preserving our precious water resources.


Soil Moisture Monitoring

Utilizing soil moisture sensors to gather real-time data helps in understanding the soil's water needs at different depths and locations within the field. This information allows for more targeted irrigation, reducing water waste.


Advantage: Water efficiency

​By targeting specific areas and delivering the precise amount of water required, this system minimizes water wastage. This not only conserves water, but it can also lead to cost savings for the farmer.

Advantage: Increased yield

By supplying the optimal amount of water and nutrients to each plant, precision irrigation can improve overall plant health and growth. This often results in increased crop yields and quality, as plants receive exactly what they need to thrive.

Disadvantage: Upfront costs

The implementation of precision irrigation requires the installation of specialized equipment, like sensors and automated controllers, which can be expensive. 

Disadvantage: Maintenance

Managing a precision irrigation system requires a certain level of technical knowledge and skill. Regular maintenance, calibration, and monitoring are required to keep the system functioning optimally. 

Irrigation sprinklers in orchard

Left: Precision irrigation sprinklers used on an orchard

Right: Remote soil moisture sensors used to control the automatic irrigation system

Soil moisture sensor
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